An Illustrative case-in-point follows: An entire legislative body vociferously condemns a president's participation in a military incursion, claiming an "abuse of a certain 'War Powers Act' " -- even citing that the president's action is unlawful as well as distasteful.
Ironically, after condemning the president's action by an overwhelming majority, the same representitives of the populace agreed to continue funding the 'allegedly legal' activity. This would seem to be tacit support of a military action that this same hypocritical pack of self-righteous and pedantic prevaricators had just condemned in the most severe terms.
An excerpt from a New York Times article follows. Please read it, and come back here [ I'll be waiting impatiently...and come back soon because you know how much I worry]:
Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Friday, June 24, 2011 -- 2:51 PM EDT
House Spurns Obama on Libya but Does Not Cut Funds
The House of Representatives dealt a symbolic blow to President Obama on Friday by resoundingly failing to approve a bill authorizing the contentious military operations in Libya. But the House stopped short of a total desertion of a war-time president by also rejecting a measure to limit financing to support the military operations.
Read More:
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Note: This article was originally published by Douglas E Castle in the Reason Out Of Randomness Blog under the title: "Political Posturing Versus Honesty - Domestic And International Sabotage."

Faithfully, and In Fellowship,
Douglas E Castle
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