BEWARE: The Threat To Every One Of Us. Test Yourself.
"When you start to forget who you are, and start to become an extension or the personification of what you do, you are ceasing to function as a fully-integrated Human Being and turning into a paper figure." - Douglas Castle
NOTE: Written by Douglas Castle for simultaneous publication in the TNNWC Supplemental RSS and Daily Email Newsfeed, The Daily Burst of Brilliance .001, Braintenance and Humanitas Maximus.
Keep this "flight of the soul" in check. Don't let what you do, or what others think or expect of you serve to define you as a person. You must permit yourself to be yourself.
Who you are, when you peel back the layers of the years of neglect, abuse, disillusionment and conformity, is a complex, individual being, with early-formed impressions, dreams, likes, dislikes, ambitions, questions, a sense of wonderment, certain preferences and inclinations, and certain likes and dislikes. These are the metaphorical bricks and mortar of which you are constructed.
Do whatever it takes to cease your work from time to time, and to let your mind (memories, instinct, intuition, introspection, personal ethics, values, dreams and a great deal of wholesome, adventuresome childishness and limitless imagination). Whether it is listening to music, meditating, working out, playing a board game or a sport, taking a walk or calling up a childhood friend --- you must do it.
Do not let anyone but you define who you are.
My favorite meditative, relaxing means of recapturing my emotional and spiritual essence, as well as amping-up my creative energy is by listening to music (RadioDAZZ Music Breaks) that I enjoy several times a day. I takes me to a place where I can really be myself. It is like heart medicine for me.
I am the Chairman and Director Of Business Strategy for TNNWC Group, LLC -- but I am also Douglas Castle...and without him, I am merely a robot.
Douglas Castle
Tags, Labels and Key Terms: finding yourself, self-growth, relieving stress, perception, communication, hypnosis, purposefulness, self-improvement, leadership, success, TNNWC Group, LLC, TNNWC Videos produced by Sallie Kintigh, personal power, intuition, instinct, conditioning, behavioral psychology, TNNWC Gist Video, the search for meaning, the search for self, TNNWC Buzzworks, know thyself, relaxation, self-healing, natural healing, social media, factors influencing conduct, factors influencing character, the nature of the soul, the inner-child, the power of self-knowledge, Taking Command blog,

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